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2010年4月12日 星期一

Reading reflection for session 6

Reading reflection for session 6

Hubbard, P. (1988). An integrated framework for CALL courseware evaluation. CALICO Journal, 6(2), 51-72.

This article is about the evaluation of courseware for CALL. It provides a good and structure framework to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the courseware. The three major sections of the framework are operational description, learner fit and teacher fit. The function of the operational description in the framework is to provide an objective and detailed view of the operation of the software and various accompanying elements, such as activity type, screen layout, input judging, feedback, help options, recording keeping, accompanying text, etc. In the framework, teacher fit refers to the notion of approach and learner fit corresponds to Richards and Rodger's design.

Actually, it is a very detail framework for teachers to evaluate a courseware. Just like Hotpotatoes, we can use this framework to analyze Hotpotatoes 's advantages and disadvantages and limitations. It helps teachers decide to use it or not to satisfy their needs.

